Through working with our body and the subtle energies inside us we can directly affect the state of our mind.

Tibetan Buddhist teachings on the subtle body are a skillful way to use the body and breath as a means to change our perception and increase our wellbeing. In these modern times it is not easy to control our minds and decrease our emotions. Therefore we need skillful methods to support us. Tibetan yoga is about uniting body, prana and mind in one direction and this becomes a very powerful support for meditation practice. We will learn about the how the prana or life force flows through the body and how we can enhance and balance this flow to create positive states of mind and decrease stress and anxiety. 

Rachel Dodds completed a traditional three year retreat and is a recognized teacher in the Drikung Kagyu tradition with the title Drupon or Retreat Master given to her by HH Chetsang Rinpoche. Giorgio Savigliano is a yoga teacher for over 25 years and completed extensive retreats in Mahamudra and the 6 Yogas of Naropa. They both guide longterm retreats and programs in the Milarepa Retreat Center in Germany ( and teach throughout Europe. 

Introduction to tibetan yoga and meditation

Summer city-retreat with Drupon Rachel and Yoga master Giorgo from Italy


Reservation via emal:

Donation: Voluntary, reccomended 150-200 Euro

Sleeping in studio available for 250 Kc/night